Sealed yin's diary with a kiss

Dear reader, Welcome to read yin's diary...But remember seal it with a kiss after you read Regards, Yin

Monday, December 18, 2006

happy birthday

:) i celebrated my 25 birthday with my family, frens n dear.

Went eat buffet steamboat with bro,sis--in-laws,him in sunway.

Eat black forest cake from Mae, tiramisu cake from hb,eat kajang satay with mae, florence, hb.

Watch video whole day.

Feel enough blissful..i easily feel blissful coz of hb..

My birthday gift is my engagement ring. ZYM means he n me, v share same 'Y'.

Monday, December 11, 2006

:) annual leaves + happiness concept

time passes by very fast.. just realize i got 15.5 days annual leaves.

My new happiness concept using java 6.

BigHappiness bh=add(SmallHappiness sh..SmallHappiness sh)

:) means add on unlimited SmallHappiness..